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Microchipping Your Dog

Microchipping your dog can greatly increase the chances that they are reunited with you if they get lost. Today, our Springfield vet team shares more about the benefits of microchipping.

In the past, people could only identify a dog through a license tag, which remains a reliable method for determining ownership. It can be quite challenging to locate lost or missing dogs when tags and collars fall off or are removed.

Veterinarians used to apply medical tattoos as the preferred solution for many years. However, this method had its drawbacks. Owners had to register the tattoo with a national database, different vets used different symbols, and dogs with dark skin pigments had difficulty displaying the marks. Enter the microchip.

What is a pet microchip?

Microchips are tiny radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips. They are approximately the size of a grain of rice. In dogs, they are usually placed under the skin on the back, between the shoulder blades.

The implant process involves a minimally invasive procedure where a needle is used to implant the chip, eliminating the need for surgery. Receiving the process is generally well-tolerated by most dogs, who experience minimal to no discomfort. 

Register the chip number with the company that produces the chip to establish a traceable connection between your dog and your household.

What about dog collars and tags?

Returning lost dogs to their owners is made easier with the help of collars and tags. Reading a tag and contacting the owner is a simple task that anyone can do. It is important to ensure that your dog wears a collar with your name and contact phone number on it at all times.

As previously stated, it is common for collars and tags to go missing, which can result in the dog lacking any form of identification. Microchips, however, remain intact and cannot be misplaced. If you ensure that your registered information is always up to date, any vet or rescue organization equipped with a microchip scanner will have the means to reach out to you and facilitate the reunion with your beloved dog.

Using microchips instead of license tags and collars is not recommended because they do not serve as a visible indication that a lost dog has a family. To increase the likelihood of being reunited with your dog in case they get lost or become separated from you, it is recommended to have your dog microchipped and use a tag and collar.

How Microchips for Dogs Work

Most veterinarians and shelters have a special scanner to read microchips. In the past, scanners for chips varied depending on the brand, but now universal scanners can read all modern types of chips, regardless of their brand.

The scanner will receive the identification number from the microchip when it is passed over the dog's back and sides.

The rescuer contacts the national database, which then contacts the owner of the dog (that's you!) and takes the next steps to reunite you with your pooch.

Microchips have great value in both returning lost dogs and providing proof of ownership.

Are there risks to microchipping my dog?

Some pet parents may be worried about pain, allergic reactions, or the microchip moving internally. We have been using this method of identification for many years and have successfully implanted it into millions of pets without any incidents. Microchips, especially the newer ones, have undergone significant improvements, greatly reducing the chances of rejection or allergic reactions.

Microchips have made it possible for dogs to be reunited with their families, even long after they have been separated. Don't hesitate to reach out to the veterinarians at your local clinic to get your furry friend microchipped right away!

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Grant yourself the gift of peaceof mind! Get in touch with our Springfield vets to have your dog microchipped and increase their likelihood of returning home safely if they get lost.

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